Wednesday, 20 October 2010


This DVD cover is for a tour that Dr Dre, Eminem, Ice Cube and Snoop Dogg did. Straight away the cannabis leaf in the middle of the front cover gives people an inkling as to what the show is going to be about. The leaf also accompanies the title of the DVD for an immature but still clever play on words “Up in Smoke”. The colour scheme is very well suited the theme and the DVD cover, black and white. The only downside to this choice of colour scheme is that it might be a bit too dark. Some people at a glance might not be able to comprehend what is on the box. This is a minor problem though because the other things to make the cover stand out more than make up for the darkness of it all. The smoke font used for “featuring” makes the DVD cover look intimidating and fits the title of the DVD. The white text also stands out very well against the black background in order to get information across in a minimalist and yet effective fashion, and for the most part the text are very noticeable. One complaint I have about the DVD is that the back’s song list is in a dark green text. Dark green against a black background is at times rather hard to see. It fits well with the controversial cannabis leaf motif but maybe a white border around the text would make it stand out a bit more. Something I rather liked was the picture of the actual concert from the DVD on the front, looking very fiery and vibrant. This gives the audience a look see at what the DVD is all about without having to buy to find out and fits the whole “intimidation” theme. There are images like this on the back as well but they are far too small and far to general, not really showing much happening apart from 1 involving a motorcycle. The layout of the back could’ve been improved to make sure the images were a bit bigger because that’s what is going to draw people in when they go to look at the DVD. I feel that this DVD is a mixed bag. There are some things about it that are done really well and there are certain things that needed improving. Some of the images needed to be bigger and more “in your face” to match the theme of intimidation, the colour scheme needed a bit of change as far as the dark green text goes and the background could’ve been good as a dark grey, not a full on black. This being said, the motifs, the portrait images of the featured rappers, the smoke references and the title of this DVD were all well done with great font or effect. Certain things I shall take on with my groups work and others I will need to steer clear of. In the long run this DVD cover will definitely help me.

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